Yuck! I got up this morning to rain although it wasn’t cold. It was raining hard enough that I decided to forego my walk. Around 10:30 a.m. the rain stopped for a while so I took a short walk making sure I wasn’t far from the RV in case a downpour started.
I have had a minor medical problem this week and couldn’t decide what to do about it so this morning I decided to go to our doctor’s after hours replacement clinic just to have a check so I called this morning and made an appointment for 1:30 p.m. I left here at 11:00 a.m. and headed over as the clinic is in the Carlingwood Shopping Centre so I walked around there, bought Gordon some splash pants, he’ll probably need them tomorrow. The doctor checked me out, told me it was nothing to worry about and sent me on my way. The problem with having medical attention before you leave is with travelers medical insurance your pre-existing condition has to be stable for six months. If you have a recurrence of the pre-existing condition while away, it isn’t covered. I think this is terrible. It makes people afraid to seek medical help in case they should have a recurrence while away and it wouldn’t be covered. That could be financially devastating! They should just charge extra for pre-existing conditions. I expect this would also make payment for claims quicker as the claims department wouldn't have to contact your doctor to verify that the condition is pre-existing. Oh well, I guess that might make travel insurance too expensive for most people.
After I got back, I watched TV for a while and read, tried to take a nap and then the sun came out so away I went on a walk and took a few photos. The sun wasn’t out long nor was it very strong.
Tomorrow is not supposed to be a very nice day but we’ve made the commitment to leave so leave we will. Forecast is for rain following us east and thunderstorms. We really hate travelling in rain but we've made a reservation, another thing we hate to do for just this reason. Anyway, we went out tonight to get fueled up. Diesel has gone down to 82.9. It was 87.9 a week ago. That’s always nice to see. We hope to get started early tomorrow morning but we’ll see!
I took today's photo in the campground.
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