It was cloudy this morning and since I was spending the day shopping with Betty I decided to forego my walk to see how my back lasts throughout the day without the morning punishment. I do find that walking quickly doesn’t bother my back nearly so much as strolling along and stopping to shop or just standing, that really kills it.
I met Betty at the Lindsay Square Mall and looked around there and the plaza with Dollarama and then shopped Kent Street. We had lunch at The Grand in Lindsay and sat outside on the patio. They have probably the best taco salad I’ve ever eaten. I bought a butterfly book with the gift card I got when I left Breconridge and I still have some $ left on it.
I got home around 5:15 p.m. My back is killing me so skipping my morning walk didn’t help!
No photos taken today so I have included one I took yesterday of part of the Canadian Shield.
The Canadian Shield is the largest of Canada's 7 physical regions. This area completely surrounds the Hudson's Bay in the shape of a horse shoe. It mainly is rock that was once mountains millions of years ago. Through the process of erosion, water, ice, glaciers from the Ice Age, and wind wore down this rock so that it became flatter. Over these millions of years rivers, rapids, trees like the fir, pine and spruce love it here but the shallowness of the soil wouldn't work for plants that have a deep root system. lakes and valleys have been carved out by the force of nature. All these beautiful sources of water add to the tourism and recreation (camping) industry but at the same time it sure made it difficult to create a transportation system. When all of the erosion was finished, the rock was very close to the surface. As a matter of fact there isn't a great depth of soil. Trees like the fir, pine and spruce love it here but the shallowness of the soil wouldn't work for plants that have a deep root system.
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