While this morning dawned sunny, it became cloudy as the day went on with a few hints of sun here and there and a bit of rain this afternoon and evening with a foggy mist.
Last night I got to watch Gray’s Anatomy for the first time in ages. Desperate Housewives was also on but I had seen it and I kind of like to watch Cold Case. However when the new season starts I think Desperate Housewives will be it! Tonight I got to see House which I hadn’t seen for ages.
This morning I did some ironing. This is something I rarely do anymore but there are a few items that need it. I don’t have an ironing board. I either use the bed or put towels on the kitchen counter. It works.
With the medication we’ve been putting in Bib’s ears, his ears were greasy so we used our outdoor shower and one of our plastic storage bins and gave him a bath this morning. It worked really well so now he looks a lot better.
Other than taking advantage of StarChoice and reading, nothing much happened today.
I took today's photo on my morning walk.
Great to see that the Starchoice is working well for you. We have had it for years and have always been satisfied. I am certainly curious to see how 3i ties the Direcway and Starchoice together !!