Today dawned another bright sunny but cool day. It was the day for the garage sale at the RV Park to start at 1:00 p.m. I had been putting some things out all week for the sale and this morning I priced it and got ready to put the items out on the picnic table. I also printed off some photos of Nick and Becky’s wedding for Betty as I had bought some photo paper this week. They turned out quite well and she was happy.
I had everything ready for the garage sale by about 12:15 p.m. so I sat outside and read my book for a while. Gordon walked around the park to see if anyone was participating in the sale. Betty came over about 1:30 p.m. I still didn’t have any customers. She and I then walked around the park and let Gordon man the sale at our lot. Betty bought a couple of items but we still had no customers by the time I returned. Betty took a couple of my mixing bowls that I had out for sale and the rest I loaded into the truck.
Betty had invited us to the cottage for dinner so on our way to the cottage I dropped the items off at the local thrift store. We had dinner in the gazebo on the dock. It was a mild evening but to Gordon’s disappointment, no sunset as it was cloudy.
We were home by about 9:15 p.m. just before it started to rain!
The photo above is of the little church at Pleasant Point where the cottage is located.
I love the little church. I always wanted to get married in a church like that.