Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Thursday May 6, 2010-A Busy Few Days

Since my last blog post, we've been busy.

On Tuesday we had a 45 minute conference call with my immigration lawyer. He went over a couple of different ways that he plans to approach the courts. In the meantime, I have to find as much proof as I can that I never lived in the US and never used my green card to cross the border. Each of us also have to write a statement summarizing our lives since 1992, not an easy task especially with everything else we have to do for the move but I have mine just about done. I also called State Farm and they are sending me a letter stating that I worked for them full time from May 1971 to January 1997 which should help.

On Wednesday we headed to Carleton Place and washed the RV windows, inside and out since I had posted it for sale on Craigslist, Kijiji and; we then headed to our storage locker again to put some more stuff in it. Nothing else will fit unless we empty it and start over. We did another drive by the house, dropped in on our insurance agent to finalize the insurance on the house then stopped by the Dodge dealer to look at the Dodge Caliber and the Nissan dealer to look at the Versa.

The cleaning lady now comes on Thursday so although it was cloudy with a threat of rain we headed back to Commissioner's Park to see the tulips again. By the time we got there the sun was shining however the wind had picked up. We got lots of pretty tulip photos as evidenced below.

Then we stopped at the birding area across from Billings Bridge Shopping Mall. There were a few wood ducks there today. Here's a photo of a male and female swimming in the Rideau River.

We then stopped at the Mall as I've wanted to go all winter. I hadn't been there in ages. While there we had breakfast for lunch at the Zellers diner as we had more things to do and didn't want to have to go home for lunch.

From there we stopped at Metro Auto Body and got an estimate for the driver's side damage on the truck. This damage has been there since it was three month's old but we thought if it was repaired we might get a better price. We did indeed get a good price from Metro and he will do a repair on the scratches on the right side for free.

We headed back toward home and stopped at Kanata Collision for another estimate - way, way out of line.

We'll look into getting the work done after we get moved. We just have too much going on right now.

Of our three estimates there is as much as $2000 difference, which is absolutely ridiculous!

In 1975 I took the appraisal course in Blairsville, Pennyslvania. Nothing was done on computer then, all written by hand. I would have no clue how to do it now. But I do know when I'm getting ripped off!


  1. Oh, Boy! You two have been busy. And there is more to come.
    I think that you will get in your 10,000 steps each day, just with the move and selling the 5er.

    Great that the immigration fiasco will soon be over. Now you can get a little RV, and winter in the US.

    Happy Moving, Penny, TX

  2. Sandra- I'm so glad you continue to blog! We own a Nissan Versa hatchback for our "run around town car" and love it! The gas mileage is great!! We'll be heading out on our summer trip soon so my blog will start back up...hope you can follow along!

  3. I sure love your blogs, even if they're spaced out, you're still keeping us up to date. I can't wait to see if you can see the kids in the USA before long, maybe before the summer is over. It will be neat to follow you as you "move in" to your new home. Thanks for posting.


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