I didn't feel like walking this morning, so I didn't and instead got ready to go out and pick up some supplies. That took all morning.
After getting home and putting the stuff away, I sat down to be a couch potato and decided I'd better go for my walk so away I went. I even had a little sunshine. The wind was cold but other than that it was a nice day for a walk.
From my walk

The City of Ottawa has implemented a new recycling program in the form of a green box. This is for recycling of kitchen waste. With the green bin you have a smaller bin to keep in your kitchen. There are lots of rules that go with the green bin. It has to be lined with either a compostable bag or newspaper. You have to put vaseline around the lid. It takes all leftover foods, yard waste, animal bedding, fireplace ashes, vacuum cleaner bag contents and lots more.
Green box

Ottawa is doing their part for recycling!
I expect a lot of people have never seen a sidewalk snowplow so here it one of ours!

You are fortunate that your city promotes recycling. I'm amazed that in my travels, recycling in RV parks is rare to nonexistent. The exception was in California, where they collect most recyclables. For years Germany has collected kitchen waste along with all other recycling, and they use the compost generated to fertilize the city parks, gardens, and the like. I wish we in the U.S. were as committed.
ReplyDeleteLots of info. Thanks for posting the pict of the sidewalk plow. Never saw one. The boxes are similar to what we have here for recycling. The colors are even the same. You learn how much you use real quick.
ReplyDeleteWe have sidewalk snowplows as well here in Northern BC - in the summer they attach a sweeper to clean the walks. However, we are disgusted with our community - no recycling pick up at all - so no blue boxes, no green. My parents community near Barrie Ontario has both.
ReplyDeleteDuring the war in England, there were "Pig Bins" along the residential streets. It was to help feed the hogs, as part of the war effort.
ReplyDeleteAll our metal fences and railings had already been taken to make tanks, ammo, and such.
I am amazed at the amount of garbage some people have, now that we have curb pick up. I have hardly any.
If food is suitable for the ducks and fish, I take to the lake, even though I have a disposal.
I save every scrap of paper, food boxes, etc., and take it to the recyling bin at the school. Of course, any with names and addresses go in the shredder first.
Any plastic bags that have holes in them go to the plastic recycling bin, just inside the door at Walmart or HEB. Bags with tiny holes go to the thrift shops for their customers, and any with no holes, I use as trash can liners, or for the used cat litter.
So I don't have much to go to the landfill.
I wish they would enforce recycling around here, you should see what goes to our enormous landfill.
Just think how much compost could be made from restaurant's waste?
So that is what a sidewalk plow looks like! Thanks.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
Can't say much about your weather. We are setting here in 19 degree weather and it is about to freeze us both. I would wish you here but you would be more comfortable there than here now. We are hoping you can come see us all soon.