We spent our 2008/2009 winter near Port Lavaca, TX specifically on Powderhorn Lake. Powderhorn Lake is part of the Gulf of Mexico. We had lucked in to this little Mom & Pop RV Park last Fall and loved it there. Not only is it a great spot, but it’s very inexpensive. Since Gordon was able to get both sunrise and sunset photos there over the Gulf due to the way the park is situated, he was a happy camper. We had one of the best winters that we’ve had to date on our odyssey. We were very close to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and Gordon obtained his America the Beautiful pass so that he gets into National parks free and since I’m with him, so do I!
In February we left our little gem of a park and took advantage of our Texas parks pass and stayed at Goose Island State Park at Rockport and Mustang Island State Park near Port Aransas and then at Goliad State Park which is inland a bit. From there it was off to Hill Country where the rv-dreams group was having a gathering at Kerrville, TX. We stayed at a different park than most but managed to get in on a couple of social events and met some people we hadn’t met before as well as some that we had.
From there we stayed for a while at Breaux Bridge, LA where Gordon enjoys Lake Martin swamp and the rookery there. We took a lot of photos of the birds in the rookery – lots of egrets, roseate spoonbills and herons. Unfortunately we had to leave before we got to see baby birds.
We headed on into Mississippi where we discovered the beauty of COE (Corps of Engineers) parks. We stayed at Grenada, MS and with Gordon’s America the Beautiful pass we had an absolutely beautiful spot backing on the water for $9/night.
From there we started our trek to Ohio to visit Gordon’s kids and grandkids and his sister.
Then it was on to Ottawa where were were trying out a new park in the east end of the city. Recreationland is a nice enough park but it’s way out there and all our medical/dental appointments as well as my sister are in the west end so it was taking forever to get there and traffic is terrible especially at rush hour.
We had a lot of wet, chilly weather on our return but no snow, thank goodness. Mid May we made our way to our home park, Tranquil Acres near Carleton Place and enjoyed ourselves there until we headed to Northern Ontario mid June. By this time most of our medical and dental appointments were over.
We stopped for a weekend at Deux Rivieres on the Ottawa River. It was a beautiful spot. From there we had planned to head partway to Sault Ste Marie but couldn’t find a campground that met our main requirement of being able to see the satellite. You’re in the north woods here so lots of trees so we drove all the way to the KOA at Sault Ste Marie where we overnighted and then north to Batchawana Bay where we had a lovely site overlooking gitchee gumee (Lake Superior). We were there for a week then had to leave as someone else was coming in. This was the only site in the park where we could access our satellites. We had a lot of outings at sunset, and of course Gordon was out at sunrise. He did see a moose while we were there.
After our week there we went north another three hours to Wawa, ON where we spent another week. One day we drove up to Marathon, ON and then on to Terrace Bay where we overnighted in a hotel. We haven’t done that in a long time! On our way home the next day we saw several moose along the road. They are such amazing creatures!
Gordon wanted to spend some time along Georgian Bay but their lack of RV parks especially for RVs the size of ours are few and far between. We stayed two nights at Parry Sound at a KOA but they were booked up after that. We had to go as far as Orillia to Heidi’s Campground which was very expensive but we stayed there over three weeks and drove over to the Georgian Bay area several times only ½ to ¾ of an hour away. We had never been to the Barrie/Orillia area before so we enjoyed it there.
It was then time to head to Lindsay as it was only one week before the cottage weekend held annually by my sister and brother-in-law, Betty and Garth. So back to our favourite spot on the Scugog River – Double M Campground to see Daphne and family.
We had a good time at cottage weekend with the family from Ottawa also in attendance, Margie, John and Danica and Nick and Becky. We stayed a month at Lindsay as usual with Betty and I going out driving around the small towns and having lunch and being at their cottage.
Just after my 61st birthday in September we returned to Ottawa and back to Tranquil Acres where we stayed until Thanksgiving weekend. Margie and John prepared an early Thanksgiving dinner for us on the Friday night as we were leaving for Sherkston Shores on Saturday in preparation for crossing the border near the end of October.
We had a nice time at Sherkston Shores but our odyssey ended there at least for the time being.
On Oct19 we went to Canada Customs to get some electronic items registered for crossing the border the next day. Our usual plan is to cross in to the US to scope out our route for the following day and we were on our way to do that when the border agent said we had to go inside to see Immigration. From there our whole lifestyle as we’ve known it for the past five years went downhill.
In 1992 I obtained a green card since Gordon had been unable to find work in Ottawa and I worked for State Farm, an American insurance company. So we thought I’d transfer and he’d have a better shot at getting a job in the U.S. I obtained my green card and was told that it would expire in two years and I would have to renew it. However Gordon found a job in Ottawa so we never did move to the U.S. and we forgot about the card until October 19th! Apparently I was supposed to return it. We were never told that nor does it say that anywhere on the card.
Anyway I was subjected to mental and verbal abuse by the Immigration agent for about two hours, fingerprinted and told that there was no way we were going to Texas this winter. I was given a letter of some sort with a couple of phone numbers scribbled on the back and we were led back to Canada.
After the initial shock we proceeded to get ready to return to Ottawa. I contacted Dave, our home campground owner and even though the campground had been closed for a couple of weeks, he opened it for us to get our RV in to store after we had taken it to our dealer to get the unit winterized. We had never had to winterize before so hadn’t a clue how to do it. We got the RV parked in the campground and over several days started the emptying out process.
In the meantime my friend, Nancy offered us a place to live for the winter. We have such amazing friends! So we started moving things into Nancy’s house that couldn’t be left in the RV over the winter and are now safely ensconced with our own bedroom and bathroom on her lower floor with a walk out to the backyard.
After about a month trying to get our heads together and get over the anger and stupidity of my ‘deportation’, I tried to contact an Immigration lawyer here in Ottawa who never did return my call.
Another friend recommended someone in London, ON who had assisted his son in getting his green card to join his fiancĂ©e in the U.S. so I contacted him. He did some research and found out that my problem had to go to court so he could not help me but recommended a law firm in Buffalo, NY. I had a telephone consultation with them and paid a retainer and hopefully he will be able to clear this up but there are no guarantees. I have received forms to complete so nothing has really happened and probably won’t until the forms are returned.
At the beginning of November, my sister, Margie started having decreased vision. It turned out to be a congenital brain tumor that was pressing on both optic nerves as well as her pituitary gland. They operated and it was successful. She now has her sight back. So I’m glad that we were able to be here and it was a bonus to be having Christmas with family but I sure do hate snow, cold and winter in general!
In the meantime I have made arrangements to have my cataracts removed early in 2010. May as well make the most of it.
New Year’s Eve was spent quietly as usual. Neither one of us are party animals of any kind and prefer to spend it at home so out with the old and in with the new. Hopefully 2010 will find us back on the road and on our way south for next winter!
Since I didn’t send any Christmas cards this year, please consider this a belated Christmas card.
What a great year in review! So sorry about the Green Card thing, hope it's cleared up in time for next year... Have a Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteHi! I have been reading your blog for a while since finding it on the RV Blog website. We too are full-time RVers sidetracked at "home" for this winter; but it is a little bit warmer than where you are and we are able to stay in the RV (we are in Oregon). Ours is for health reasons this year.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just wanted to say Happy New Year and wish you a good 2010, with all of your green card problems solved. And hope it gets a little bit warmer for you soon!
I've been following your great blog for a while now. I'm hoping your problems with the border agents (police?) can be solved soon. Your RV travels before the border issues sure were great. I look forward to reading that you'll soon be on the road again. Good luck with all of that business!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year best wishes for 2010! I hope all of this is behind you soon and you are back in your little home on wheels. Your pictures always brighten the day...God bless.
ReplyDeleteDonna - FL
Over the years, you have inspired my husband and me to RV across Canada and America, so sad to hear your plans were thwarted. I wonder now, even though I'm Canadian, as he's english (and we are living in England) if we might have problems. Thanks SO much for sharing during these years. xxx Leonie