I finally reached Sanderson Travel Insurance in Lindsay to see about our travel medical insurance this afternoon and the cost for Gordon's insurance has doubled from what it was last year and if he has a relapse of his Valley Fever while away it isn't covered. Mine is still pretty cheap though.
I decided this is stew weather so went into town to get some supplies to make stew. I also got some other stuff, of course. You can't get away from a store without buying other things. I stocked up on some beading stuff at the dollar store. Dollar stores in the U.S. don't carry beading supplies so will have to go to Michaels or Walmart. There is a Walmart in Rockport but will have to drive to Corpus Christi for Michaels. Corpus Christi is 30 miles south of Rockport. Here are photos of some of the beads I bought. Each package is $1.00.

When I got back to the RV I got the stew on the stove.
No rain today and we actually saw some sun although our high was only 11C (52F).
Yesterday we talked to the campground owner, Dave about staying here next year. The campground is going to be pretty much seasonal starting next year so we're thinking of reserving a site as seasonal to be sure that we'll have a spot here. They open around May 15th and close around October 14th but they could accommodate us coming in as early as May 1st. We would either have to stay at Rideau Heights where we were in the spring for the first few days when we return to Ontario or stay as far away as Mallorytown or Kingston about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away respectively as there are campgrounds there that will be open. More thinking to do......
Thanks to everyone for your kind comments on yesterday's blog.
I just read the results of the CT scan, on yesterdays blog. Then reading Gordon's thoughts of So Happy! Loyce and I are also so happy for you guys as well. We like to get out of KC for warmer climes, so we couldn't imagine your having to stay in Ottawa for the winter. Gordon's picture of the trees on the river is beautiful. He quite the artist with a camera.
Whoops I see I was signed in as my wife. I guess that isn't all bad. LOL