Monday, 23 June 2008

Errands, Wildflowers, Birds

This morning's rain started just before I was due to get up, so I didn't. I stayed in bed for another 45 minutes or so. When I got up it hadn't quit but had slowed substantially so away I went for my morning constitutional. Luckily it didn't rain very hard all the time I was out but it certainly was humid!

After breakfast I went out to pick up some groceries in the rain. Nothing very exciting there! I also bought Gordon a couple pair of jogging pants and a light t-shirt for summer but they didn't fit so after lunch we went back and exchanged them. Then we had to go to our financial advisor's to sign more forms. After that it was off to the Ottawa River Parkway specifically Remic Rapids to take some photos shown below.

Roosting seagulls

Water droplets on a goose feather
Lots of wildflowers

We didn't have hardly any sun today, lots of showers and clouds. Not a very nice day for photography!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my Canadian friends. It is I Doctor Speedy and his faithful side kick Sherri. We missed you guys while we were out of Cyberland you WIFI or DSL goodness what a bummer! We did stay at a nice State Park not too far from our house. By the way we have a possible nibble on the lake house. We will see. Stay tunned for more news. Enjoyed your photos and the journal. We will catch you on chat tonight???

    Sherri and Joe


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