Monday, 11 May 2009

I Found One!

I added another blog to my site - Natasha. She's another chatter on the rv-dreams site. I need to get through my list of chatters and make sure I have them all on my blog sidebar.

It was coooold last night - 1C (34F). Sure glad I had my electric blanket! This is way too cold for May! But the consolation was it was beautiful and sunny even though it didn't get very warm.

This morning I waited till it was 6C (42F) to get up. I decided to go 'up the hill' again. I'm hoping to be able to climb it without stopping before we leave here (a week from tomorrow). I managed to stop only once again this morning.

After breakfast we first stopped at Petrie Island to see if we could find any beavers. No luck there and the area to go to the trails is still flooded.

Road to the path

Still way too wet

Then we went to a little computer store that I found when I was out the other day. I needed an external hard drive to back up my photos as the one I was using (the hard drive that was originally inside my computer) no longer worked. So we found one for less than $100 (2 1/2 inch IDE to fit in the enclosure that I already had). Then when we got home, Gordon realized we had bought the wrong one and it doesn't fit the enclosure, so I still don't have a back up hard drive......

After that we stopped again at Princess Louise Falls. I was ready this time with Miss Pinky and my walking stick. I knew if I could get across the Falls that I could find the geocache. With my trusty walking stick I was able to make it across the falls and up the rocks, and, guess what? I found it! And it was big enough to give Ducky Love his new home. So for now, Ducky Love is in a new geocache home in a new country!

Found the cache

And put Ducky Love in it

Princess Louise Falls again

When I got back, I got ambitious and cleaned out the truck, washed the inside, vacuumed it and used carpet cleaner on the removable rugs. Now Gordon has to take it to get it washed, hopefully tomorrow.

I also got the inside vacuumed. I'm bushed!


  1. Ducky is close to the water....

  2. Way to go you master Geocacher you !!!!

  3. Now if someone from France happens to find him.......

  4. Yay - glad Ducky has a cache to hide in for awhile! I'll be watching to see where he goes next.

  5. Sandra - Thanks for the shout out! Glad your geocaching adventures were successful!
    - Natasha


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