Sandhill cranes

The temperature dropped 13 degrees in about 1/2 hour this morning so time to put away the short sleeves and get out the sweatshirts again!

Today is my sister's 65th birthday. They're in Las Vegas this week so I called her at her hotel to wish her a Happy Birthday! They're having a good time but they're forecasting snow there. Snow in Las Vegas? Anyway, Happy Birthday Betty! Photo taken this summer at the cottage.
This afternoon I spent laying on the couch, reading. I finished one book and started another one today. Around 4 p.m. Gordon and I went out for a little walk. The pole sitter (pelican) was sitting on his favourite pole in the bay, there was a little grebe swimming around and a snowy egret on one of the docks. While we were standig there, the sandhill cranes flew over again. The owner came out of the rec hall and said that they live a few doors up from us. Guess that's why they're around so often!
Pole sitter

Pole sitter about to take flight

Just to let you know, Jenny, we're blaming this latest cold snap on you since you said on Facebook you were sending your rotten weather south!
<<< Just to let you know, Jenny, we're blaming this latest cold snap on you since you said on Facebook you were sending your rotten weather south! >>>
ReplyDeleteAh! Ah! Now we know who to blame for it !! It had to come through here to get to you, Sandra.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
I admire you folks that RV in the cold weather. Not sure we would be up for that, but who knows. Meanwhile, we are still on track to get out there and FT.
ReplyDeleteRandy and Pam