As soon as I walked out the door this morning I saw this beautiful leaf on the ground.

Gordon had more bloodwork to be done and a prescription picked up, I needed groceries, a new watch battery and some stuff at GNC and I also wanted to vote. Election Day is actually October 14th but that's the day we're scheduled to leave here (although I think we'll be staying a few extra days) so I went to the advanced polls. There were lots of people there voting today. I was in line for about 10 minutes to get my ballot. So, I've done my civic duty.
Between getting the bloodwork done and picking up the prescription, we stopped at Andrew Haydon Park and took a few photos and walked around a bit. It was really chilly by the water! I see on Wikipedia, it's known as the 'geese park'. As you can see below, it's very true!

I went to three stores to get 1% lactose free milk. The first store still had lots of 2% and skim but no 1%. Most stores up here don't even carry 1%. I can't drink the 2% and I hate blue milk so I don't use skim. Finally I got it at the 3rd store.
Then Gordon wanted to stop at the camera store to see if they had a lens that he's interested in, they didn't so we headed back to the RV park.
I was pooped so I lay down to read and had a short nap.
The day did turn sunny but it was windy and even though we reached 13C (55F), it didn't really feel like it except when you were in the sun and out of the wind.
Lovely photos, as usual, Sandra. They would make lovely desktop pictures. Happy Trails, Penny