First of all I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law, Carol in Ohio and my Aunt Ruth in Brockville.
Today was a nice sunny day but very hazy, hot and humid with a temperature of 30C (86F). We headed south on some back roads trying to get to Smiths Falls avoiding Highway 15 due to it
being under construction between Franktown and Smiths Falls but there are no local roads in the area that would get us where we wanted to go. There are a lot of nice old log barns in this area so we took some photos then we got onto Highway 15 and with our little detours on the side roads and then being in stop and go construction it took us an hour to get to Smiths Falls. It’s normally half that time. When we got there we parked near the locks and went in search of a washroom which we couldn’t find so back in the truck and over to Hershey’s (3rd time this week). While there Gordon bought more Reese’s pieces, we used their washroom and then back to the locks where we had a picnic.
We then headed south to Brockville to visit my Aunt for her birthday. Before going to her place we went down to the St. Lawrence to see if we could get a Verizon signal to update the roaming on our phones. We got that accomplished, then Gordon called Carol to wish her a Happy Birthday and his daughter, Michelle to see how she and her family are doing. We then stopped for fuel and arrived at Aunt Ruth’s at about 3:00 p.m. An enjoyable hour and a half was spent with her. She looked really good. She got her hair cut and it looks very nice!

We came back via Hwy 15 again. We had talked about going to Perth and back that way but decided to come straight through as it was getting late. Since we would be getting home late, we decided to stop at the Swiss Chalet at Carleton Place. Originally we were going to order take-out but decided to eat it there. It’s a combination Swiss Chalet/Harvey’s. We arrived home just before 7:00 p.m. tired but glad to have had some time with my Aunt!
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